The Colla de Xirimiters el Carellot from Calpe celebrates its 20th anniversary with a meeting of 200 xirimiters and tabaleters from various places in the Valencia region in Calpe.
The meeting starts at 16:00 in the Plaza Mayor. At 17:00, a street procession of all participating groups will start moving. At 18:30 there will be a performance of "Danzas y Muixeranga", at 20:00 the group "Soca en Arrel" and at 22:30 the "Orquesta Juan" will perform.
The participation of the following groups is planned: Grup de Danses El Centener from Vila Joiosa, Colla El Rebrot from Rafelcofer, Muixeranga from La Marina Alta, Colla El Falçó from Teulada, Colla Pere Bigot from Benissa, Colleta del Verger, Colla El Senill from Torreblanca, Colla El Pinyol from Callosa, Colla Els Traginers from Pedreguer and Colla de Xirimiteres from Carellot.