The number of gender-related violence decrees in force in Calpe has increased by 30 per cent in the last two years and is currently at 56, according to Modes Salazar, head of the unit against violence against women in the government's sub-delegation to the Round Table against Gender Violence, following the alleged murder in Calpe in which a Belgian woman was murdered in front of her partner.
The meeting was also attended by the Mayor of the city of Ana Sala and representatives of the Guardia Civil, the local police, the Centro de la Mujer 24 horas, the Oficina de Atención a las Víctimas and employees of the Social Welfare Office of the City of Calpe.
Of the 56 decrees in force, four correspond to minor victims; in one of these cases, the aggressor is also a minor. The Round Table not only took note of the number of gender-specific assaults in the town, but also served to coordinate social and police resources in the fight against this plague.
At the meeting, Modes Salazar, head of the Women's Violence Department of the government's sub-delegation, stressed the importance for the victims of gender-based violence of knowing the AlertCops app, a citizen security alert app that allows citizens to alert the state security forces to a criminal situation in which they are victims or witnesses.
The municipality of Calpe has a team composed of an equal opportunities representative, a promoter and a legal adviser who provides psychological, legal and social assistance to victims of violence against women and their families, coordinated where necessary with the Dénia Health Centre and the Dénia Centre for the Assistance of Victims of Violence against Women.
- The Equality Department is located at Calle Llibertat, 36, and the telephone number is +34 96.583.51.11. It should also be remembered that the general telephone number for the care of victims of sexual abuse is 016.