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Tuesday, 15 October, 2019 - 11:30

The Calpe City Council Plenary has decided to amend, first of all, the Municipal Ordinance on the Coexistence of Citizens in Public Spaces in order to tighten the penalties for owners who do not remove the excrement of their pets from the sidewalks. The offence is classified as "serious" and punishable with a fine of 650 €.

In addition, people who walk the streets with their pet must also clean their pet's urine with water, otherwise the same penalty will be imposed. This should improve health on the streets.

and prevent the decay of urban premises.

Pet owners are also required to always carry waterproof excrement bags with the water bottle to dilute the urine of their pets.

On the other hand, the City of Calpe introduces in the decree a ban on feeding any animal on public roads, in public or private spaces with public access for reasons of public hygiene. Excepted from this case are the rooms which the city council may determine for this purpose and which must subsequently be cleaned. In addition, small foodstuffs may only be awarded as prizes within the framework of training, provided that they do not leave residues.

Likewise, the city council increased the penalties for emptying the intestines, urinating and spitting in all public places of the community and from now on is also classified as severe, with the same penalty as for pets. In addition, it is considered aggravating when these offences occur in crowded places, places visited by minors, markets or sheltered buildings or their surroundings. In this case, the fine is 850 euros.

The proposal was adopted with the votes of the ruling coalition (PP + Ciudadanos) and of PSOE and Defendamos Calpe and with the abstention of Compromís.

Compromís spokesman Ximo Perles explained that his party voted "in protest" against the proposal, which was put forward "without the participation of opposition".

The spokesman for Defendamos Calpe, Paco Quiles, promoted more police in the city as a deterrent to the population. for the population. The PSOE spokesman, Santos Pastor, also agreed with the idea of creating more police presence on the streets, and also called for a dissemination campaign on social networks to raise citizens' awareness.

Ciudadanos spokesman Juan Manuel del Pino, for his part, explained that these measures are being taken "to keep the road as clean as possible" and referred to the ban on feeding animals on the road, which in his opinion entails "dirt, cockroaches, seagulls...".

Mayor Ana Sala stressed that the aim of amending the regulation is not to penalise and that "the priority is to carry out awareness-raising campaigns for citizens".

The amendment will be displayed for 30 days on the City Council's notice board so that interested parties can examine the proposal and submit proposals or complaints before the proposal is finally approved.

Penalty for the company responsible for the cleanliness of the beaches

In plenary, with the support of all political groups, it was approved that the company responsible for the cleanliness of the beaches should be fined for breach of contract. In the summer, the city council noted that the company had not removed the algae that had accumulated on the beach and asked the company to remove them, which happened three days later.

Regarding the appointment of the Chairman and two representatives of the City of Calpe to the Supervisory Board and Board of Agua de Calpe, the PSOE, Compromís and Defendamos Calpe tabled an amendment to request that one of these two seats be reserved on a rotational basis for the opposition factions. The proposal was not adopted. However, Mayor Ana Sala, who will chair the meeting, has undertaken to raise the matter at the first meeting of the Board.