Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Monday, 28 October, 2019 - 10:00

On the occasion of the International Day against Breast Cancer, AECC Calpe, together with the City Council, organized the Pink March against Breast Cancer to raise funds for research and the fight against this disease. More than 1000 people took part in this third edition of the initiative.


The day began with a breakfast in the Plaza del Mosquit, from where the great Pink March started to visit different streets of the city and end in the Parc de la Creativitat. A large banner with the slogan "Hoy toca por ellas" ("Today it is about women") was placed at the opening of the march and the route was animated by the music of the Colla de Xirimiters del Carellot de Calp.


On arrival at the Parc de la Creativitat, the President of AECC Calpe, Maria Ferrer, took the floor. In moving words, she recalled all the citizens of Calpe who have died of cancer in recent weeks. Ferrer thanked the companies for their cooperation and underlined the importance of research in order to put an end to cancer. The Mayor of Calpe, Ana Sala, thanked for the great participation in the march and for the presence of relatives of deceased and cancer patients on site.


After the speeches, the participants enjoyed a huge paella and various musical performances by the Rondalla de Calp, Casa de Andalucía, Marcia's Dance Centre, Club Gimnasia Les Marines, Solera Artística, Xirimiters del Carellot, Xaranga la Xarlotà and the gymnastics group of the Centro Cívico.