Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Monday, 23 December, 2019 - 12:15

Just in time for the Christmas holidays, the city of Calpe has published a poster entitled "What to give away", which gives advice on which toys to avoid and which to buy in order to promote an egalitarian society.

In this sense, it reminds us of the importance of play for the emotional and social development of children, since through this activity they learn to respect the world they live in and the people who live in it, as well as to play on an equal footing and build relationships of affection and love.

For all these reasons, it is emphasized that games are not gendered and therefore are not intended exclusively for girls or boys; that there is a variety of colors, since there is also a variety of people, and it is recommended that toys should be appropriate to their age, non-violent, promoting cooperation and equality, among other advice.

It is also advisable to avoid toys that mark roles, sexualise childhood or harm the environment.