Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Thursday, 26 December, 2019 - 12:45

Calpe City Council has set up the Equal Opportunities Committee, which will be responsible for implementing the City Council's first internal Equal Opportunities Plan. This committee is chaired by Ana Perles, the Human Resources Councillor, and is made up of representatives from the various unions, the Human Resources Department and the Equality Department.

All public administrations are obliged to have an equality plan, which implies an institutional commitment to its implementation. It is a document that, after a diagnosis of the situation and surveys aimed at all staff, reveals possible gender inequalities within the City Council's staff. This makes it possible to define objectives and strategies to prevent possible discrimination based on gender and to eradicate the discrimination that has been identified.

This document must be approved by a negotiating table and, once agreed, be discussed in plenary. For this reason, the Equality Commission was set up to negotiate the measures of the plan. The plan includes 7 areas: the area of staff, personnel selection and recruitment, the area of professional promotion, the area of training, the area of remuneration, the area of reconciliation of work and family life, the area of prevention of sexual and gender harassment and the area of awareness raising and training in equality and non-sexist communication.

The plan will be valid for 3 years (2019-2022). Once agreed, it will be made known to all staff and monitored and evaluated by the Equality Committee.