Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Thursday, 27 February, 2020 - 14:30

Today, the first section of "Vial J" has been opened to traffic, marking the culmination of years of operation of an important infrastructure in the road infrastructure of Calp. Vial J, which will be called Avenida Felipe VI according to the plenary agreement, will allow road traffic to be transferred from the beach area to the national road without crossing Avenida Ejércitos Españoles and Avenida Diputación, thus relieving traffic in the city centre.


Last year, work began on section 1 of the "Vial J", especially the section that starts at the roundabout on Avenida de la Generalitat and ends at the Gargasindi exit. The works amount to 1,015,944.39 Euros, of which the Provincial Council contributes 75%, or 761,958.29 euros, and the City Council 25%, or 253,986.10 euros.


The opening of this section of "Vial J", which will be called Avenida Felipe VI, is crucial to connect Avenida de la Generalitat with the existing roundabout at the entrance to Casanova through the Partida de Gargasindi in a continuous road network that will provide an exit to a junction of the primary network, currently partially built.


The infrastructure is completed with the completion of sections VI, from Avenida Casa Nova to Avenida Romania, and section VII, from Avenida Romania to the roundabout in Calle La Niña. Both sections are in the project development phase and will be completed during this term.


This year, work will be carried out on the passage across the Pou Roig gorge with Avenida de los Ejércitos Españoles and Avenida de la Vall de Laguart. This infrastructure is not part of "Vial J"; but it is important to complete the road. Once completed, this road will allow the transfer of road traffic from the beach area to the national road without crossing Ejércitos Españoles and Diputación streets, thus relieving traffic in the urban area.


This road has been completed in stages, so last year a new bridge was opened over the Pou Roig gorge, connecting the sports area with Avenida Romania. This bridge, which is necessary to connect the different sections of "Vial J", had a total cost of 394,703 euros, of which 344,993 euros were financed by the Provincial Council and 39,710,23 euros by the City Council.


In order to implement this infrastructure, which had been included in the General Plan since 1989, the City Council had to reach agreements with the landowners in the area.


Mayor Ana Sala said that "these works are essential to connect the school and sports areas, to avoid traffic jams in summer and to improve the lives of all citizens. Calp will be a more open community that no longer needs to go into the city centre to access beaches and residential areas."