Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Wednesday, 18 March, 2020 - 12:15


?The medical care in the health centre and in the Casa del Mar in Calp is guaranteed, but will be provided by telephone. You do not have to go to the health centre but must call first and will be attended by a doctor who will decide on the further procedure. The Casa del Mar is exclusively dedicated to paediatrics.

?The planned appointments are also arranged by telephone.

?Prescriptions are managed by telephone, with the last prescription and automatically activated after calling the Health Council.

?The rehabilitation service is completely discontinued.

?No administrative procedures are carried out, neither renewal nor creation of health cards.

?Sickness notifications, test results, etc. are issued by telephone and e-mail.

?Only emergency x-rays are taken.

?The only services that are performed personally are Syntron, wound treatment and emergency analyses derived from the hospital.

?Access to the health centre is only possible from 8 am to 8 pm via the main entrance, floor 0, and after 8 pm only via the emergency room.

?Phone numbers

HEALTH CENTRE ☎ ️96 687 04 50 (dates)

☎ ️96 687 04 50 (emergency)

CASA DEL MAR ☎ ️96 ️96 681 64 50

CONSELLERIA DE SANITAT☎️ 900 36 22 36 (24 hours, for questions and doubts)

Isolation at home is the best way to minimize the risk of infection.