Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Monday, 4 May, 2020 - 13:15

The local government held a meeting this morning to be informed of the mayor's decree increasing the amount of Covid19 emergency social aid for the month of May to 150,000 euros through a budget amendment. In April, an aid of over EUR 80,000 was granted for food, hygiene and pharmaceutical products, and this month the amount has been significantly increased.


Users who accessed these grants in April do not have to go through the procedure again, as the city council's social workers are the contact persons for each family.


In addition, the City Council has received the green light from the regional administration regarding the sustainability of the budget and the non-duplication of subsidies for businesses and the self-employed. Therefore, a budgetary amendment will be approved in the plenary session next Monday, which will allocate one million euros of own resources to support Calp's businesses and will regulate the standards for this support. This aid, which will vary between EUR 600 and EUR 1,000, is intended to reactivate the local economy as quickly as possible by helping the Calp municipality.


The town council is also considering suspending payment of the road tax for the hotel and catering sector for the whole of 2020, one of the items to be discussed at next Monday's plenary session, along with the possibility of compensating for the payment of the waste tax during the period when the establishments are closed.


The Board has also agreed to open Salinas Park for the weekend and to open Racó Bay and Puerto Blanco Beach to professional athletes, as indicated in the BOE (Official Gazette).


During this week, the municipality's educational centres will also be disinfected and it will be decided whether the municipal cemetery should be opened according to the instructions of the Spanish government.


In addition, the recommendation of the local police to walk on the right-hand side of the street to avoid pedestrians meeting and always keep two metres distance. The police have reported that in the last ten days 65 reports and 2504 identifications of persons have been filed and that the control devices are being maintained.