Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Thursday, 23 July, 2020 - 14:00

This morning, Calp held a meeting of the Local Security Committee to update the action protocol against gender-based violence. This document enables the City Council, the Civil Guard and the Local Police of the municipality to coordinate all actions of the security forces against domestic and gender-based violence in order to act quickly and efficiently.

The meeting of the Local Security Committee was attended by the Mayoress Ana Sala and the Town Councillors Domingo Sánchez, Noelia Císcar and Matias Torres, the Intendant and the Local Police Inspector, the Secretary General of the Subdelegation of the Government of Alicante, the Lieutenant Colonel of the Guardia Civil post in Calp and the Chief Inspector of the Autonomous Police of Alicante.


Another topic of discussion was last year's crime statistics, which are on the decline, according to sources from the Guardia Civil. Unauthorised street sales were also raised and it was agreed to strengthen control by the police and the Guardia Civil.


The management of the COVID crisis by the City Council and the State Security Forces was also discussed, and coordination between the various institutions was positively assessed.