Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
Bono Consumo Calp 2024
El Cascanueces - Ballet de la Ópera Nacional de Rumania
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Wednesday, 20 January, 2021 - 13:45

The Tourist Board has reissued a comic strip about El Miracle, the most emblematic event of the Moors and Christians festivities in Calp, to promote these festivities declared to be of regional tourist interest.

The comic strip, created by graphic artist Núñez Zaragoza, was published in Valencian by the Associació de Moros i Cristians Santíssim Crist de la Suor (Association of Moors and Christians Santíssim Crist de la Suor) in 2001. Now the City Council of Tourism is republishing it not only in Valencian, but also in Spanish, English, French and German, in order to make known to domestic and foreign tourists the historical episode that is commemorated every year during these celebrations. In addition, some of these copies are donated to schools in the community.

This new edition, consisting of 15,000 copies, is financed with a grant from Turisme Comunitat Valenciana within the line of assistance to local authorities "Promoting the image of tourist destinations in the Comunitat Valenciana". This is a grant awarded for declaring the Calp festivities a regional tourist interest and was intended to promote these festivities on billboards and mupis in various Spanish cities in the years before the pandemic. When the celebrations were cancelled, the City Council for Tourism decided to redesign the campaign and relaunch this comic.

On the other hand, through this grant, a video based on this comic has also been produced in the same languages and is being distributed through the city's social networks and its website calpe.es.

The aim is to promote El Miracle, a dramatized representation that is staged every year during the celebrations of the Moors and Christians festival, which makes these festivities unique.

It tells how a character from the history of Calp, known as "Caragol", managed to close the heavy gates of the city through the mediation of Crist de la Suor, despite the treachery of the character of "Moncófar".