VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Plan DTI Calpe: Encuesta Residentes
Fira de Nadal Calp 2024
Hagamos crecer nuestro pueblo - Campaña Padrón 2024
Thursday, 16 February, 2023 - 10:15

Calp town hall has announced the calendar of activities planned for 2023 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the emblematic building the Red Wall, although the ultimate goal is to recognise the entire architectural complex of La Manzanera designed by the Catalan architect Ricardo Bofill. A programme organised by the commemorative commission made up by the town hall, Alicante’s university, Ricardo Bofill's architecture studio, Alicante’s official college of architects, the presidents of the communities of owners of the Muralla Roja, Plexus, Anfiteatro and Xanadú as well as the locals Andrés Ortolá Tomás, José Ivars and Jacky Vázquez.


In March, the photo rally of the ‘Foto Club Ifach’ will be held, focusing on this place and from the rally of photos there will be an exhibition that can be visited at the cultural centre. A conference programmed by Alicante university and given by professor Adriana Figueiras, is planned, focusing on analysing various aspects of the interaction between art, nature, architecture and landscape.


From April until September there will be guided tours of the buildings that Bofill designed in La Manzanera. And the seventh edition of ‘Art al Carrer’, which turns the old town into a large open-air museum, will also focus on Bofill's work in Calp. Between July and September, the exhibition hall of the cultural centre will host a collection of photographs owned by the Ricardo Bofill workshop.


Between September and October several concerts and conferences are planned, and in November an International Architecture Congress will be held in collaboration with Alicante’s university and Architecture College. Also planned for the end of November is a gastronomic conference on the theme of Bofill's architecture.


In addition to this, there is the edition of the calendar that the tourism department publishes every year and distributes at all the tourism fairs it attends, which this year is dedicated to Bofill's buildings in Calp. Also the call for the ‘Research Initiation Awards ‘Calp Town Hall: Bofill Year 2023’, which are aimed at research work where the study is directly related to the architect Ricardo Bofill. In addition, the postal service has published a stamp commemorating the anniversary of the Red Wall at the request of the Calp Philatelic Association.