II Jornadas Ética e Integridad en la Contratación Pública
Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Tuesday, 6 June, 2023 - 11:45

The Calpe Town Council is once again offering a free mediation service to resolve conflicts between neighbours. Last year it was launched for the first time - from September to December 2022 - through a grant from the Department of Justice and was offered by the Bar Association of Alicante (ICALI).


 It will now be provided by Dam Abogados, the company awarded the new service which, once again, will be financed through a grant from the Generalitat Valenciana (Regional Government)


 It will be provided in Calpe on Thursdays from 9.30h to 13.30h at the Justice of the Peace Court by appointment via email cmorato@ajcalp.es or telephone 661981646.


 Mediation is an alternative means of dispute resolution that allows parties in conflict to reach their own agreements without judicial intervention and with the help of a professional mediator.