Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Wednesday, 28 June, 2023 - 09:30

The Calpe Government, in its intention to implement active employment policies, reissues the Local Employment Plan which gives continuity to the one initiated in 2021 and is endowed with e 1,147,528.72 €. The conditions for the temporary hiring of personnel registered with the Public Employment Service to promote the reactivation of employment after the pandemic have already been published in the BOP.

These posts will be filled by competition and the duration of the contracts is until the end of the year. A total of 68 posts are available in the following professional categories: 10 cleaning staff posts, 13 labourer posts, 4 gardening labourer posts, 5 caretaker posts at the Casa de Cultura, 5 caretaker posts at the Sports Centre, 10 environmental caretaker posts, 7 administrative assistants, 3 administrative assistants in tourism, 10 administrative assistants and 1 administrative assistant at the Library.

To take part in this competition, applicants must be registered in the public employment service with at least 3 months of uninterrupted seniority, not be receiving unemployment benefits or subsidies, be registered in Calp and be at least 16 years old.

Applications to take part in the merit-based competition must be submitted from 28 June to 12 July at the OAC. All subsequent announcements will be published on the Town Hall notice board and website.

The Employment Plan aims to be one more tool within the actions implemented by the Consistory to address the economic and social crisis resulting from Covid 19. For this reason, social criteria such as being a beneficiary of aid from Social Services, being a large family, being a job seeker, etc. prevail in the bases of the Plan.

The mayoress, Ana Sala, said that "we continue to support employment policies that allow us to cover situations of vulnerability, it is about facilitating access to the labour market for people with more difficulties through the City Council's own resources". In 2022 a total of 71 people were hired temporarily by the City Council as part of the Local Employment Plan.