Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Friday, 1 September, 2023 - 14:15

Representatives of the company Acciona met this morning with the mayoress, Ana Sala, the mayor of Street Cleaning, Juan Manuel del Pino, and municipal technicians to discuss the start-up of the new contract for the SUW collection and street cleaning service awarded by the Calpe Town Council to Acciona for 38,738,553.59 € and 9 years.

The new contract starts without previous conditions and with a series of commitments to be fulfilled by the company during the first year of the service. These commitments, included in the specifications but which must be implemented before September 2024, refer to the elimination of all underground containers and their replacement by surface containers with side-loading, thus changing the container model of the municipality.


Another of the commitments is the construction of the Ecopark, which must be completed by 28 March 2024, as well as the remodelling and refurbishment of the Ráfol municipal building where the headquarters of the new service will be located.


Acciona also undertakes to implement during the first year the fifth fraction or brown container, if until now the waste was disposed of selectively in four containers (blue: paper, green: glass, yellow: packaging and grey: rest) the regulations establish the obligation to implement a fifth container in which the waste composed of organic matter will be deposited, that is, most of the food waste we produce and which degrades by itself over time. In order to implement this new container, two environmental educators will be available to start informing first the large producers and then all the citizens.


Also, during the first 12 months of the service, an app managed by Acciona will be launched to collect incidents of the cleaning and waste collection service, and this app will also be able to request the collection of household items or pruning.


The contract also establishes the obligation of the company to renew the fleet of vehicles and machinery of the service, in addition to the renewal of street furniture, the expansion of the workforce or the reinforcement of the service in summer.


The mayoress, Ana Sala, pointed out that "we are starting the contract from scratch, with no previous conditions and with the aim of being a benchmark in cleaning, to become the cleanest municipality in Spain.