Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Monday, 4 September, 2023 - 14:30

The renovation works of the artificial turf of Calpe's football field have come to an end. On Saturday the facilities hosted the presentation of the first team of U.D. Calpe.


The works have been delayed for a few months compared to the time originally planned, as it was necessary to modify the contract after finding that the old turf that had been removed was not in a suitable condition to be reused on the perimeter of the playing area. Thus, in addition to the removal of the old turf - some 7,000 m² - the new conditions of the contract included the purchase of new turf for the perimeter areas of the football pitch.


In addition, the goals and their protection nets have been renewed, as well as the pavements of the pitch and the irrigation system. The works have had a cost of 468,264.83 euros, of which 248,654.44 euros are subsidised through the Diputación de Alicante.


"Our intention is to continue investing in all municipal sports facilities, in addition to creating new spaces for sports practice as the Esplai Park or the Pump Truck, said the mayoress of Calp, Ana Sala, who has highlighted the renovation of the parquet of the Domingo Crespo Pavilion as one of the pending actions that are scheduled to be executed in the coming months.