Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Wednesday, 27 September, 2023 - 12:00

Last June, the Municipal Sports Department carried out a survey among the students of IES Ifac in Calpe with the aim of finding out the habits and preferences in terms of sports practices of the students of the centre. The aim of the Department is to make decisions regarding the supply of sports activities and facilities in the municipality, adjusting them to the demand of the population.


A total of 513 students of the IES participated in the survey, 49.4% of them were female and 49.6% male. 40.9% of the respondents answered that they practice sport more than 3 times a week, 32.5% practice sport 1 or 2 times a week and 16.1% do not practice sport at all.


The results of the survey show a high percentage of young people participating in sport in activities already offered in municipal sports facilities: basketball (10%), football (21.2%), indoor football (7.2%), athletics (4%), swimming (5.4%), rhythmic gymnastics (4.2%), taekwondo (3%) and chess (2.8%).


On the other hand, among the sports most in demand among those surveyed and which are not offered in municipal sports facilities, it is worth noting that 28.9% would like to play volleyball, 20.7% boxing, 20.1% paddle tennis and 18.9% badminton.


It is clear from the survey data that many of those surveyed are unaware of the sports that can be practised in municipal sports facilities and of the sports on offer managed by local clubs. There are sports facilities that do not offer any directed activities (badminton, table tennis, skate park, skating, hockey, pump track and parkour) and whose practice has been requested in the survey.


Similarly, there is demand for sports activities that do not have public municipal facilities, including athletics (currently without specific facilities), volleyball, boxing, paddle tennis, weight training and closed rooms for indoor activities.