Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Saturday, 2 December, 2023 - 08:30

The Calp Town Hall has proceeded this morning to seal the facilities of the municipal swimming pool and has changed the locks once the deadline given to the concessionaire of the service to revert the service has expired. The sealing took place without incident.


In this way, the termination of the contract for the management of the municipal swimming pool has become effective after having received the favourable opinion of the Consell Jurídic Consultiu, which endorses the decision of the council to terminate the contract as a result of the numerous breaches of the concessionary company.


A new stage in the management of these facilities will now be taken over by the Town Council. For the time being, Town Hall staff will be responsible for maintaining the water in the pools in the hygienic and sanitary conditions required by the relevant regulations in order to reopen them as soon as possible.


The councillor for Contracting and Sports, Ximo Perles, explained a few days ago the steps and procedures planned for the swimming pool to be able to return to full operation. Perles pointed out that "we are already processing the new lifeguard service contract, and as soon as the lifeguard service is awarded, which is expected to take place shortly, these facilities will reopen". In fact, a super-simplified contract has been chosen for this tender, provided for by law for services whose provision does not exceed 10 months, and which is characterised by a reduction of time and formalities in the contracting process.


The government's intention is that once the lifeguard service has been awarded, free public bathing will be open until the municipal ordinance on public prices, which is already being drafted, is approved and comes into force, allowing a fee to be charged for the use of the pool. Subsequently, the Town Council will contract the provision of the aquatic activities service.


We ask the public for patience, if all goes well we hope to reopen the pool for free swimming in January," said the councillor for Contracting and Sports.