Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Monday, 22 January, 2024 - 14:00

The Calpe Local Police will soon have a Drone Unit with which they intend to carry out surveillance and control of beaches, and residential and wooded areas. The project is already budgeted and is in the tendering process.


This morning the Councillor for Public Safety, Guillermo Sendra and the Councillor for the Environment, Beaches, Urbanisations and Animal Welfare, Pere Moll, met with the new Intendant of the Local Police, Juan Antonio Sánchez Pérez. The aim of this first meeting was to initiate an Emergency Plan for the prevention of forest fires and to establish specific protocols in the event of fires in the wooded areas of the municipality.


In addition to the problem of forest fires, issues of beach safety and compliance with the ordinances on the keeping of animals and illegal dumping were also discussed. The Animal Welfare Department reminded the public that the only beach in Calpe authorised for dogs is Les Urques, and that dogs may be penalised for accessing any other beach, as well as reminding the public that dogs must be kept on a leash on the seafront promenade.


A protocol of action is also being worked on for cases of abandoned animals, in this case it is planned to create a shilling area in the facilities of the Local Police to take in abandoned animals when the facilities of the Animal Protection Service are closed.

Councillor Guillermo Sendra pointed out that "this is the first of many meetings to establish future protocols for the Environment, Beaches and Animal Protection, the aim is to coordinate all municipal departments to offer the best service to citizens".


For his part, councillor Pere Moll stressed "the importance of the Local Police in matters of beach safety, control and prevention of forest fires and general compliance with municipal ordinances".