Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Thursday, 8 February, 2024 - 11:15

The Department of Culture has published the annual report of the activities held by the Department throughout 2023. This document shows that a total of 23,915 people attended throughout the year to some of the many activities organised by the Department.


 The Department of Culture offered a total of 151 activities in 2023, including 11 children's theatre performances, 8 adult theatre performances and 4 magic shows.


 According to the report, 49 concerts and 4 dance performances were held in 2023, and 61 activities such as exhibitions, lectures and presentations were held. In addition, within the activities of the Department of Culture, 12 "Cinema a la Mar" screenings were recorded.


 In addition, there were activities held outside the Casa de Cultura such as "Art al Carrer", the Open Air Painting Competition and the open air photographic exhibitions.


 The Councillor for Culture, Guillermo Sendra, has expressed his satisfaction with the results obtained, especially the large number of spectators, and stresses his conviction that "these figures will be surpassed during the year 2024 where the programming of the Casa de Cultura will be wider and more diverse, betting on quality in music, theatre, dance and family shows".