Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Monday, 19 February, 2024 - 13:00

Calpe Town Council is organising a theatre campaign aimed at the municipality's schools to encourage creativity in Calpe's pupils. The campaign will take place between 21st and 23rd February in the Municipal Auditorium and consists of a play each day.


 On Wednesday 21st February the company El Ball de Sant Vito will perform "La terra dels babaus" for children in Infants. On Thursday 22nd "Martina i el bosc de paper" will be performed by L'Horta Teatre for first and second year primary school students. And on Thursday 23rd the campaign will close with the play "Plàstic" by the company La Família Política, aimed at third and fourth year primary school pupils.


Two sessions will be held each day. The first at 10.30 am for Azorín and Gabriel Miró schools and the second at 12 noon for Oltà i Mediterrani.


 "We live in times where the abuse of audiovisual media is the norm, where children lose their ability to be emitters of emotions and become mere receivers.... For this reason, we must look for artistic activities that enhance the expressiveness and creativity of our students. Theatre is a stimulus for dialogue, for surprise, to fly with the imagination, to be enriched... in short, to be moved," said Guillermo Sendra, councillor for culture.