Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Thursday, 25 April, 2024 - 12:15

The Calpe Business Association, AEMCO, held a general meeting a few days ago in which the new president of the entity, Santi Ferrer, was appointed, taking over from José Malagón after eight years in office.


Yesterday the president-elect and his predecessor met at the Town Hall with the mayoress, Ana Sala, and the councillor for Economic Dynamisation, Paqui Solivelles, to present the association's lines of action. Santi Ferrer pointed out that "the new board will be constituted with eight members from the three branches of the association (commerce, hotel and catering and services) and will include people from the previous board. I take on this commitment and responsibility with the aim of responding to the members, investigating their concerns and seeking solutions. I take over from José Malagón who has done so much for the association".


José Malagón has been president of AEMCO for the last 8 years, under his presidency the association has grown from 40 to 120 members and his achievements include the successive Bono Comercio and Bono Come campaigns.


The mayoress announced at the meeting the availability of €500,000 for the Bono Comercio campaign which is likely to be held in two stages in June and November. Ana Sala affirmed that "from the Town Hall we will put in place the initiatives that are needed to make people consume in Calpe". For her part, Paqui Solivelles stressed that "AEMCO is a very active association and plays a key role in the revitalization of the business and commercial fabric of Calpe".