The Government of Calpe launches again the Local Employment Plan with 1 million euros in this edition. The rules for the temporary hiring of personnel registered in the Public Employment Service to promote the reactivation of employment have already been published in the BOP and applications can be submitted from today.
These posts will be filled by competition and the duration of the contracts is until the end of the year. A total of 47 posts are on offer in the following professional categories: 3 posts of caretaker in the Casa de Cultura, 6 caretaker posts in Sports, 1 caretaker post in schools, 6 cleaning staff posts, 8 labourer posts, 2 animal collection service operator posts, 15 environmental watchman posts, 5 administrative assistant posts and 1 administrative assistant post in the library.
To take part in this competition, applicants must be registered in the public employment service with at least 3 months of uninterrupted seniority, be registered in Calp and be at least 16 years old.
Applications to take part in the merit-based competition must be submitted from 17 to 31 May at the OAC. All subsequent announcements will be published on the Town Hall notice board and website.
Given that the Employment Plan is a social measure for job creation, which tries especially to promote the employability of those groups with special difficulties for social and labour insertion, social criteria such as being a beneficiary of aid from Social Services, being a large family, being a job seeker, etc. prevail in the bases of the Plan. In 2023 a total of 65 people were hired temporarily by the City Council under the Local Employment Plan.