+ 3 years old and family audiences. Synopsis:Bunji is a koala who lives in a eucalyptus forest. Koalas have very little daily activity, so the mood of our protagonist drives her tribe crazy. When everyone else is sleeping, she wants to play, discover, climb... why doesn't she behave like the rest?
An unexpected event in her daily life will make her move away from her environment.
What will happen to the little koala? Come and find out!
A theatre and puppet show that, through narration, dialogue, songs and a surprising scenography, will captivate the audience from the very first moment in the purest Festuc Teatre style.
On this occasion, the company is inspired by the whole Australian imaginary, its diversity, its fauna and the different species of animals that we have to respect and love.
The innocence of the little ones does not stigmatise or create differences; it is simply based on expressing and interacting through the feelings caused by each situation, without prejudice. In short, a time to laugh, cry, suffer, enjoy, sing... and reflect through the story.
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