II Jornadas Ética e Integridad en la Contratación Pública
Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Thursday, 20 July, 2023 - 14:30

The Associació de Malalts de Fibromiàlgia i Fatiga Crònica has been awarded the first prize in the III Street Decoration Competition of the Historic Centre of Calpe within the VII edition of "Art al Carrer".


This contest is aimed at associations registered in Calpe and this year's theme was "The colours of the Mediterranean" and it is organised by the Culture and Old Town Councils.


The winning association has decorated the Font Street (in the section between nº 1 and nº 17) where they have made different crochet tapestries as well as seafaring figures such as fish, seaweed, and starfish ....  to represent the Mediterranean Sea.

The second prize went to the Asociación Belenista de Calpe, which decorated Sant Josep street (from Pza. Mestre Llopis to c/ Balmes) also with seafaring motifs and represented stairs emulating the Bofill buildings and, in a mural, the Penyal d'Ifac.


The Marins Corsaris Association received third prize. This organisation depicted the wine-making process in La Font street (from numbers 19 to 31), from the time the grapes are harvested until they are served in a glass.


The prizes amounted to a total of 6,000 €, with 3,000 € going to the first prize-winner, 2,000 € to the second and 1,000 € to the third.


In addition to these three associations, four more participated: Amistades Belgas de Levante, Associació Músico-Cultural Xaranga La Xarlotà, Cruz Roja Española and the Asociación de Amigos del Arte.


The Street Decoration Contest together with the balconies decorated by 41 local painters turn the old town of Calpee into an open-air museum during the summer months, another attraction for visitors and citizens to enjoy the emblematic spaces of the historic centre of the town.