Plan DTI Calpe: Encuesta Visitantes y Turistas
Ayudas Alquiler a Jóvenes 2024
Bono Baby 2024
IX Concurso de Pintura al Aire Libre
Monday, 15 July, 2024 - 11:30

Today we have welcomed the staff hired under the Local Employment Plan 2024. In this edition there are 47 workers hired through this plan that will run until the end of the year and has an investment of 1,000,000 euros. The main objective of the Employment Plan is to promote employability among groups with special difficulties for social and labour insertion.


The provision of these positions has been carried out by competition and the duration of the contracts is until the end of the year. A total of 47 posts have been offered with the following professional categories: 3 posts of caretaker in the Casa de Cultura, 6 posts of caretaker in Sports, 1 caretaker in schools, 6 posts of cleaning staff, 8 posts of labourer, 2 posts of animal collection service operator, 15 posts of environmental watchman, 5 posts of administrative assistant and 1 post of administrative assistant in the library.


To take part in this competition, the applicants had to be registered in the public employment service with a minimum of 3 months of uninterrupted seniority, be registered in Calpe and be at least 16 years old.


Given that the Employment Plan is a social measure of job creation, which tries especially to promote the employability of those groups with special difficulties for social and labour insertion, in the bases of the Plan prevail social criteria such as being a beneficiary of Social Services aid, being a large family, being a job seeker, etc... The Plan is endowed with €1,000,000 and will involve the temporary hiring of these staff until 31 December.


The Councillor for Human Resources, Paqui Solivelles, stressed the importance of this plan: "This initiative not only responds to the need to strengthen municipal services, but is also a firm commitment to support those who need it most. With this investment of one million euros, we are not only expanding our staff, but also contributing to the socio-economic development of Calpe. We are committed to employment policies that allow us to cover situations of vulnerability".