Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Friday, 26 June, 2020 - 11:45

The Calp Town Council has awarded the contract for the care of palm species in the municipality to the company Parkisonia for 65,000 euros per year for 36 months.

The company will be required to submit an assessment of the condition of the palm trees in the municipality within one month; the Environment and Parks Department estimates that 280 specimens of the Phoenix Canariensis, 461 of the Phoenix Dactylifera and 434 of the Washingtoniana species.

Specifically, this service includes palm tree maintenance work with preventive, palliative and curative treatments aimed at keeping the palm trees in good condition, in addition to pruning work, which can be normal, at least once a year, or exceptional if necessary. And in exceptional cases where the survival of the palm trees cannot be guaranteed, the concessionaire is responsible for felling and removing the palm trees.

In addition, the successful tenderer must provide a database in which each specimen of palm tree is identified with details of its type, height, condition, treatment and the pruning obtained.