Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Friday, 23 February, 2024 - 14:00

Calpe participates from today in the "Fiets en Wandelbeurs" in Utrecht, the most consolidated end public fair for Cycling and Hiking in the Netherlands. Its radius of action covers the Benelux and parts of Germany and France, receiving in its 2023 edition more than 26,000 visitors from these areas.


The Department of Tourism is attending this fair as a continuation of the new policies of de-seasonalisation. According to the mayor of International Promotion, Marco Bittner, "taking into account the profile of the Calpe visitor and the resident population, almost a thousand Germans, more than a thousand Belgians and nearly five hundred Dutch, it is imperative to participate in this type of exhibition. The fair, which is committed to seasonal, sustainable and healthy tourism, serves to highlight the various investments that are planned within the tourism sustainability plan (Next Generation) in terms of bicycle lanes and investments in hiking routes".


 The presence of end customers and small thematic travel agencies, offers the Tourism Department the opportunity to make the tourist charms of Calpe known among these Dutch operators for their inclusion in this type of trips. The attractiveness of the area is undoubtedly evident when champions such as the Dutch Mathieu van der Poel and the Belgian Remco Evenepoel declare in the Dutch media that they train together in Calpe.


The Calpe delegation is attending the fair at the Turespaña stand under the auspices of the Costa Blanca Tourist Board, where they met representatives of both marine regions and neighbours, Altea and Benissa.