Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Friday, 16 August, 2019 - 10:15

Calpe has increased its recycling figures again. In the first half of 2019, Calpe residents recycled 19.3% more light packaging and 2.6% more paper and cardboard. In the first six months of the year, 261.88 tonnes of light packaging have been recycled compared to 211.34 tonnes in the previous year. As far as paper and cardboard are concerned, it was 323.22 tonnes from January to June 2019 compared to 314.92 tonnes in the previous year.

These figures confirm the upward trend in recycling in recent years in the municipality and prove a higher environmental awareness in the population of Calpe. An increase that will start in 2015, the year in which the city placed containers at more than 300 locations to make recycling easier for the population.

The City Council points out the environmental benefits of recycling, such as energy and raw materials savings and the associated reduction of CO2. It also highlights the importance of placing waste in the right containers. The blue ones are intended for paper and cardboard; the yellow ones for packaging made of various materials (such as plastic bottles and containers, metal bottles and bricks); the green ones are for glass (both bottles and glasses) and grey containers for the rest of the wastes (other types of waste such as food, plants, organic materials, etc.)

In this sense, Acciona, the company commissioned by the city for handling waste, notes that there are still many questions and doubts about the use of the yellow waste containers. Acciona points out that the yellow containers are not intended for all kinds of plastic waste, as is often mistakenly assumed. Acciona recalls that the yellow containers are intended exclusively for packaging (of any material other than glass). Therefore, all other plastic waste that is not containers must be placed in the grey containers.