Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 - 10:00

Calpe Town Council has set up a working team to tackle administrative simplification and the improvement of internal procedures. The aim is to ensure that each and every one of the procedures carried out in the Town Hall is carried out in accordance with the principle of simplification and to avoid overloading citizens with unnecessary documentation.


It is an internal working team, made up of 17 people, which began working on the matter in April. So far, it has carried out a preliminary analysis of the application forms, required documentation and intermediate steps, among other issues, in order to tackle this continuous improvement of the processes.


The work planned for the coming months will consist of a new definition of the processes, with an automation of procedures, making use of artificial intelligence and the information and communications technology tools available to the City Council.


The planned timetable will end, in the first stage, at the end of 2024, although it is expected to be a reality in the last quarter, which citizens will be able to check when they carry out any procedure at the City Council.


The simplification and redefinition of processes will be accompanied by a continuous evaluation that allows correcting the initial deviations in order to "achieve at all times a quality public service that responds to the needs of citizens and that, with compliance at all times of the legal procedure, can respond quickly and effectively to what they demand from the City Council of Calpe", as stated by the Councillor for Internal Affairs, Rebeca Merchán.


The mayoress of Calpe, Ana Sala, has pointed out that "a modern administration has to be designed for the residents; it has to be more agile and efficient, with less obstacles and bureaucracy, and from Calpe Town Hall we have started the way to achieve it".