Renueva tu DNI
Thursday, 19 September, 2024 - 14:00

The Mayoress of Calpe, Ana Sala, and the Councillor for Residents, Marco Bittner, have held a meeting with the Deputy Delegate of the Government, Juan Antonio Nieves, to convey the need to strengthen the administrative services aimed at the foreign population of Calpe. Among them, they have requested that Calpe can host the itinerant service of the National Police to issue the Foreigner Identity Number (NIE), as well as the DNI service, which is issued in Calpe from time to time. The subdelegate has referred them to discuss this matter with the National Police, with whom a meeting is planned for the near future.


In this way, the aim is to prevent the foreign population living in Calpe from having to travel to obtain this document, which, once issued, allows them to request the digital certificate, in the case of Calpe, at the Citizen's Advice Bureau. And with the digital certificate they can carry out a large number of procedures.


Currently, 62% of Calpe's census population is made up of foreigners, so having a personalised service, with procedures such as the NIE, ‘would greatly promote the integration of these citizens, as well as improve their quality of life,’ explained the councillor for Residents, Marco Bittner.


During the meeting, the mayoress Ana Sala stressed the importance of offering administrative services that are adapted to the specific needs of the foreign population. ‘Calpe is a diverse and multicultural municipality, and it is essential that all our citizens, regardless of their origin, have access to adequate care to facilitate their integration and participation in local life,’ she said.


The Government Deputy Delegate of the, Juan Antonio Nieves, has informed them of resources to improve the attention to foreign citizens such as the existence of a program-contract of the Generalitat Valenciana that allows the City Council to hire a technician paid by the regional administration and that would be destined to these functions, something that the City Council is already studying to apply for.