Renueva tu DNI
Monday, 20 April, 2020 - 11:45

The Calp Town Council agreed in the last plenary session to reserve a post of 830,000 euros to support the trade and businesses of the municipality under the Resiste Plan. However, as there is a possibility that this aid may coincide with a type of aid articulated by the Generalitat Valenciana (Regional Government), it was agreed to ask the regional government to make a declaration of competence in this matter in order to start processing the granting of aid.


The statement is requested with the aim of avoiding duplication, and so that the city council, as the administration closest to the citizens, can react quickly once the health crisis has been overcome.


Everything points to the fact that the lifting of the restrictions on mobility will not bring about an immediate return to normality, but that a transitional period will be necessary until, once confidence has been restored, the reopening of businesses and establishments can be activated and the economic situation can be considered to be normal to a certain extent. In this context of the reconstruction process, Calp City Council intends to support the revival of its businesses.


This support will take the form of grants awarded to those who, in accordance with their economic activity, are engaged in local commerce and who apply for them in accordance with the legal bases to be approved for this purpose. However, the laws of the local government of the regional government (Comunidad Valenciana) could be interpreted in such a way that the City Council is authorised to grant this aid. Hence the request to the Consellería.


In this regard, the Mayoress, Ana Sala, has declared: "We all want to return to normality together, without anyone being left behind. Our priority now is health, but we are also working on formulas to revive economic activity in Calp and avoid the closure of companies. If there is employment, there is prosperity'.


For this reason, in addition to this aid, which is aimed at supporting Calp's commercial fabric with current expenditure, the Town Council is implementing a plan to reactivate the local economy in order to promote and stimulate consumption in the retail and hotel sectors. As well as the campaigns that began a few days ago to attract Spanish tourists.


Furthermore, the City Council is looking into the possibility of increasing the allocation of funds for this purpose, which was set at 830,000 euros in the last plenary session and is trying to increase it to one million. However, the amount could be increased considerably if the state allows this item to be financed from part of the municipal surplus.