Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Wednesday, 20 November, 2019 - 13:15

In recent weeks, the Calpe City Council has noted an uncontrolled increase in the number of cuttings in the municipality, so that the city has made possible a specific service for the collection of cuttings and their subsequent transfer to the Campello wastewater treatment plant, to which Calpe belongs according to the zonal waste plan.


According to the regulations, only private individuals may deposit cuttings in addition to the waste bins set up by the entire municipality for subsequent collection by the company responsible for household waste collection. However, professional horticulturists are obliged to deposit their waste in an authorised landfill site, which is the closest following the recent closure of Ecoparque de Denia, is Campello.


At the same time as providing the service for the collection of cuttings, the City Council reminds the gardening companies of the obligation to manage their own cut by depositing it in the designated locations. If professional companies leave the pruning in public areas. they are faced with a serious infringement of the relevant regulation, with fines of between 151 and 600 euros.


In the future, however, as the mayor indicated at the last plenary session, the aim of the city council is to ensure that the cutting and treatment of the cut is carried out in the municipality and can be reused. The collection and treatment of household waste is expected to be put out to tender and awarded in the coming months, and the specification already provides for the construction of a plant for this use.