Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Tuesday, 8 October, 2019 - 14:00

The municipal government will include within the agenda of the ordinary plenary session scheduled for next October 14, the sanction to the company awarded the cleaning service of the beaches and coves of Calpe for breach of contract.

On July 25, in the middle of the summer season, technicians from the Department of Beaches detected that the company had not removed the accumulation of algae that the currents deposit on the shore. From the City Council was required to the company for withdrawal without this occurred until three days later. The accumulation of algae, which on the other hand does not affect the health of the beaches, caused numerous complaints from tourists and neighbours to be key days in the summer campaign.

According to the technical specifications of the contract of cleaning and maintenance of the beaches, the persistence in the breach of the obligations of the successful bidder when it had been previously required will lead to serious penalties, so the City Council now intends to punish the company awarded with two serious faults that could materialize in a penalty of 6,000 €.