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Monday, 25 November, 2019 - 10:15

The Mayor of Calpe, Ana Sala, presented Miguel Pastor, President of the Unió Musical Calp-Ifach, with the keys to the cultural centre of the Calpe music group on the day of Saint Santa Cecilia, the patron saint of music. This is the culmination of a long process through which the group will enjoy its own opportunities to develop its work. The keys were handed over during the group's concert and on Saturday the musicians and directors of the institution were able to visit the premises of the "Casa de la Música" and test the rehearsal room.


In 2006, the City Council and the Unió Musical signed the Memorandum of Understanding by which the Banda de Calpe handed over to the City Council the land of its property in Avenida del Puerto de Santa Maria. With this protocol, the City Council undertook to comply with the design of the project commissioned by the Unión Musical, to hand over the construction of a building, the Unión Musical of the ground floor of the building, with approximately 515 m². On the ground floor, with direct access from the street, are the rehearsal room, a room for the storage of instruments, toilets and other rays. The Unión Musical now also includes a part of the first floor, with classrooms and administration. The rest of the building becomes municipal property.


In the municipal budgets since 2016, the city council has provided an amount of 250,000 € per year, which is financed by the Caja de Crédito de la Diputación de Alicante for the construction of the respective phases of the building. In the same year, 250,000 euros were earmarked for the completion of the works.


On the occasion of the handover of the keys, Mayor Ana Sala said that "this handover symbolizes a small tribute to all the people, musicians, directors, teachers and partners who have been part of this institution, indispensable protagonists of the cultural and festive life of Calpe since 1931".