Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Thursday, 29 February, 2024 - 11:15

For some weeks now, the Civil Protection of Calpe has established a special programme of forest surveillance on alternative days, in accordance with the levels of previfoc and the availability of volunteers. These forest surveillance tasks are related to adverse weather conditions, such as dryness and strong winds that increase the risk of fires spreading, and are complemented by the surveillance activities subsidised by the Regional Ministry.

The aim of this programme is to monitor forest areas to detect and prevent fires, identify human activities that may pose a risk to the environment, raise awareness of safe and responsible practices in natural areas and ensure the correct functioning of the Oltà and Maryvilla hydrants.

To meet these objectives, the Civil Protection teams have carried out regular patrols in forest areas, covering Oltà, Toix and green areas. In addition, aerial surveillance has been carried out with drones, which has allowed a wider coverage and the early detection of possible fire outbreaks. Detailed inspections have been carried out in areas identified as critical points, where illegal activities or negligence have been recorded in the past.

This has led to the detection of an increase in the presence of people in restricted areas, some of whom were carrying out risky activities, such as uncontrolled bonfires and poorly managed waste.

All in all, Civil Protection is committed to a continuous and collaborative approach to ensure the long-term protection of the municipality's natural resources, to improve fire prevention infrastructures, such as firebreaks and signposting, and to continue with environmental education and fire prevention initiatives.

Civil Protection and Calpe Town Council are also studying a suitable location for the installation of a heliport in Oltà to allow the helicopter landing of forest brigades in the event of an emergency.