II Jornadas Ética e Integridad en la Contratación Pública
Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Friday, 27 March, 2020 - 14:30

The City Council today established the protocol for access to assistance to meet basic needs. It is an aid to cover specific basic expenses, i.e. food, hygiene and pharmaceutical needs caused by the exceptional situation of the alarm caused by COVID-19.


A very flexible mechanism will be set up for access to this aid, and the request will be made ex officio or at the request of the applicant. It will be made by telephone 965837223 or by e-mail to servsociales@ajcalp.es and can be requested from next week.


The applicants for this aid may be individuals or families resident and registered in Calp, as well as those passers-by (homeless) whose neediness is recognised at the time of application and who meet the conditions established for the granting of the aid, such as lack or absolute lack of economic resources. This aid is granted monthly as long as the state of need is maintained.


In addition, the suspension of all municipal taxes during the period of the state of emergency has been reported, as well as the return of receipts already paid for services that could not be provided.


The various municipal departments are already working on the foundations for the programme to support the trade and self-employed, the driving force of the economy, in order to promote economic activity once the state of alert is over.