Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Thursday, 4 July, 2024 - 11:15

From 1 July, the ordinance on acoustic conditions, which refers to work involving the use of heavy machinery or construction machinery that can generate noise, comes back into force and establishes that works that can produce noise are limited to certain time slots.

The Ordinance on acoustic conditions prohibits all types of construction work in August in residential areas and establishes time limits in July and September in order to make construction activity compatible with the right to rest.

Likewise, development, construction, building or any other type of work likely to produce noise, whether public or private, must be carried out between 9am and 2pm and between 5pm and 8pm. Urgent works or works in the public interest, carried out for reasons of necessity or danger, shall be exempted from the prohibition.

On urban land whose permitted uses include residential use, all types of urban development, construction or building work shall be prohibited between 1 and 31 August. Exceptions to this prohibition are small works that do not cause noise or disturbance to neighbours.

The municipal ordinance differentiates between the different activities potentially causing noise, as well as the solutions to mitigate its effects. The aim of these measures is to make construction and leisure activities compatible with the individual's right to rest. The Consistory appeals to citizens to get involved in compliance with the ordinance so that the tourist season passes without noise nuisance given the eminently tourist character of the municipality.