Comercio Local - Campaña Feliz día del Padre
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Thursday, 6 June, 2024 - 11:15

The commanders of the Local Police of Calpe have met with the Quartermaster, Juan Antonio Sanchez, and the Councillor for Public Safety, Guillermo Sendra, in order to prepare the security device for the summer period.

In this coordination meeting criteria and lines of action have been established, in addition to specifying the personal and material resources necessary to face a period where the floating population can reach figures exceeding 140,000 inhabitants. This substantial increase of the population forces to foresee with time the organization of events and the surveillance of beaches, urbanizations and urban nucleus.

Over the next few weeks it is planned to reinforce the staff to meet the summer demand, from the Local Police will emphasize the fight against illegal sales and surveillance of promenades and beaches.

“An arduous and complex security work that requires a wide deployment of troops and means by the Local Police so that the stay in Calpe runs smoothly,” said Guillermo Sendra, Councillor for Public Safety.