Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Wednesday, 18 December, 2019 - 12:30

This week, the program for the first half of 2020 was presented at the headquarters of the University of Alicante in Calpe.A total of 39 events are planned, but as the director of the university campus, Josep Ivars, explained, "this programme could be extended to include new events as we set and integrate the dates with those responsible for them”.

The planned events include areas such as gastronomy with a series of lectures, including with chef José Manuel Miguel (Michelin Star) from Beat Restaurant or Ferdinando Bernardi from Orobianco.

In addition, a reading club has been programmed, as well as a series of cinema lectures on masters of comedy, lectures on artificial intelligence, personal branding, climate change and food.

The director of the university campus stated that “it is a broad and varied programme because we want to reach as many people as possible with interesting content; we want the campus to be home to everyone”.

For her part, Eva Valero, coordinator of the University Campus of Alicante University, said that “the goal of the campus is to transfer knowledge from the university to society as a whole and the planning presented today in Calpe has achieved this goal”.

Rebeca Merchán, Councillor for the University Campus, has pointed out that “the University Campus is open to all associations and institutions in Calpe that want to organise activities in its facilities, because we want Casa Nova to become a dynamic place of society”.

The Mayor of Calpe, Ana Sala, for her part, said that “the best way to enrich Casa Nova is to fill it with culture, lectures and events, as it has always been an emblematic place for the citizens of Calpe, and we want it to stay that way”.

The University's headquarters are located in the Casa Nova de Calp building, which in turn is the Campus d'Excèl-lencia Empresarial, so that this planning completes the events of Creama and other departments of the municipality and associations that wish to use its facilities.