Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Wednesday, 18 December, 2019 - 12:30

Andreu Alfaro's sculpture "Cosmos 62" returned a few months ago to Calpe to be located again in the northern access to the municipality. This move culminated a long negotiation between the Town Hall and the IVAM by which the Museum ceded the sculpture for exhibition in Calpe and the Alfaro family ceded to the IVAM two sculptures to replace Cosmos 62.

The counterpart was that the City Council had to bear the costs of transport and restoration of the sculpture whose conservation was deficient because it contains rusted material and the original polychromy is deteriorated. This week the restoration works have started under the supervision of the Department of Restoration of the IVAM and carried out by the specialized company Contrafforte Restauro for an amount of 16,494 €.

The works will consist of the elimination and pickling of the non-original polychromies by means of sandblasting with pressure projection of oxide, the application of an antioxidant layer, the application of protection layer and the final lacquer, besides the consolidation through welding of the unanchored elements.