Calpe begins this Thursday its 25th International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women with a cycle of short films. At the Saló Blau, six short films on male violence will be shown from 8 p.m. onwards: "El paraguas de colores", "Celebraciones", "Hogar, hogar", "El beso del astronauta", "Mamas y papas" and "Por la flor de la canela", all from "CortoEspaña".
On Saturday 23 November at 8 pm, the theatre group L'Arèola Teatre will present the play "Salvaje" with the actresses Alba Juan, Elena Egea, Laura Lemus and Carla Polo in the auditorium. This play aims to empower women and combat micro-macho-attitudes, the text focuses on the sometimes unnoticed attitudes that maintain discrimination against women.
On 25 November, at 12:00 noon in Plaza Miguel Roselló, the institutional manifesto will be read on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. And at 8pm in the Plaza Constitución is the rally organized by the Women's Association for Equality of Calpe with the slogan "We continue in feminist emergency.
The programme ends on 27 November at 8 p.m. at Saló Blau with the lecture "Gender Violence: Myths and Realities" by Rosario Tur Ausina, Professor of Constitutional Law.
The programme is organised by the Equality Office of the City of Calpe and financed by the State Pact against Gender Violence.