Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Wednesday, 27 May, 2020 - 13:15

The Social Department of Calp City Council has updated its data regarding the provision of social COVID 19 emergency aid in April and May. During these months, aid amounting to 208,350 euros was granted. Covid19 social emergency aid is a direct and flexible aid to cover expenses related to food, hygiene and pharmacy products for people without resources.


In addition, 1524 calls and 720 mailings were handled during April, while 445 calls and 302 mailings were handled in May. It must be taken into account that the users who accessed these resources in April did not have to go through the procedure again, as it was the social workers of the municipality itself who contacted these families.


In addition, this department carried out 701 social reports and 87 legal procedures in April and May and continues to provide support in the area of gender-based violence.