Encuesta de participación ciudadana - Agenda Urbana
VIII Concurso Nacional de Carteles de Semana Santa
Tuesday, 3 December, 2019 - 09:45

Calpe City Council launched a new communication channel with citizens through Telegram two weeks ago. The response has been better than expected exceeding 400 subscribers in just two weeks despite that this instant messaging service is less used than others like WhatsApp.

The City Council also launched an information service through WhatsApp mailing lists but the announcement by the company that from December 7 will prohibit its use to disseminate mass content has led the City Council to opt only for the use of Telegram.

Telegram channels are one of the best channels to send information of interest quickly and directly to citizens, a system that is very effective for sending messages of important warnings in emergency situations.

The introduction of algorithms in social networks means that not all the content that is published is shown to followers, which sometimes means that information from the Town Hall does not reach citizens.

The City Council's communication department is setting up new channels to bring information closer to citizens, such as the edition of a newsletter or digital bulletin in which once a week a summary is sent with the most important information about the City Council to those people who are interested. Now more than 800 people receive this bulletin every week.

In order to receive the newsletter, please register at this link: https://www.calp.es/es/content/newsletter

To subscribe to the Telegram channel, please look at this link t. t.me/AyuntamientodeCalp and join.