II Jornadas Ética e Integridad en la Contratación Pública
Concierto Truddy Lynn - Texas & Blues Band
Thursday, 21 September, 2023 - 12:00

Friday, 22nd:

  • Fiestas de la Mercè.

      -20h. Mass.

      -20:30h. Opening of the festive marquee, Nit de Coques and performance by Los Astrolabios. In La Mercè parish church

  • Open-air photography exhibition "La Manzanera under construction" to celebrate Bofill Year. Plaza Colón, Plaza Constitución, Plaza Beato Sendra and Plaza Manuel Miró.
  •  Exhibition "Muralla Roja, 50 years of Bofill's iconic work". Exhibition hall of the Ajuntament Vell. Until 30 September.
  • Exhibition "Models of means of transport" by Antonio Tur Ferrando. Museo del Coleccionismo. Until 30th September.
  • Craft markets in Plaza Mediterráneo (La Fossa beach) and in Alemania street (Arenal-Bol beach). Until 30th September.
  • VII Art al Carrer - Balconies and Street Decoration under the slogan "The colours of the Mediterranean". Historic centre. Until 30 September.
  • Balconies: Plaza del Mosquit, C/ Llibertat, C/ Justícia, Plaza Miguel Roselló, C/ Purísima and C/ Mayor.
  • Street decorations: C/ Ermita "Carreró de Mola", C/ La Fuente, C/ San José, C/ Pescadores, C/ Pedro García Ortiz and C/ Sant Pere.


Saturday, 23rd:

  • Fiestas de la Mercè.
      • 18:45h. Gathering in Plaça Mediterrani for procession and floral offering.
      • 20h. Mass.
      • 20:15h. Festive marquee opening and performance by Los Anclas. In La Mercè. parish church


  • Open-air photography exhibition "La Manzanera under construction" to celebrate Bofill Year. Plaza Colón, Plaza Constitución, Plaza Beato Sendra and Plaza Manuel Miró.
  • Exhibition "Muralla Roja, 50 years of Bofill's iconic work". Exhibition hall of the Ajuntament Vell. Until 30 September.
  • Exhibition "Models of means of transport" by Antonio Tur Ferrando. Museo del Coleccionismo. Until 30th September.
  • Craft markets in Plaza Mediterráneo (La Fossa beach) and in Alemania street (Arenal-Bol beach). Until 30th September.
  • VII Art al Carrer - Balconies and Street Decoration under the slogan "The colours of the Mediterranean". Historic centre. Until 30 September.
  • Balconies: Plaza del Mosquit, C/ Llibertat, C/ Justícia, Plaza Miguel Roselló, C/ Purísima and C/ Mayor.
  • Street decorations: C/ Ermita "Carreró de Mola", C/ La Fuente, C/ San José, C/ Pescadores, C/ Pedro García Ortiz and C/ Sant Pere.


Sunday, 24th:

  • Fiestas de la Mercè.

     -12h. Mass.

        -12:30h. Children's activities.

       -14h. Giant paella and  performance by Al son del   Aire. In the La Merè parish  church

  • Swimming crossing to the Peñón de Ifac, starting at 8:30 a.m. from the Cantal Roig beach, arrival, and prize-giving ceremony on the Fossa beach.
  • Bicycle Day.

-10h. Children's go-karts and performances in Plaza Colón.

       - 11:45h. Cycle touring route departing from Plaza Colón,

   -14:00h. Giant paella (Festers de la Mercè).

  • Open-air photography exhibition "La Manzanera under construction" to celebrate Bofill Year. Plaza Colón, Plaza Constitución, Plaza Beato Sendra and Plaza Manuel Miró.
  • Exhibition "Muralla Roja, 50 years of Bofill's iconic work". Exhibition hall of the Ajuntament Vell. Until 30 September.
  • Exhibition "Models of means of transport" by Antonio Tur Ferrando. Museo del Coleccionismo.. Until 30th September.
  • Craft markets in Plaza Mediterráneo (La Fossa beach) and in Alemania street (Arenal-Bol beach). Until 30th September.
  • VII Art al Carrer - Balconies and Street Decoration under the slogan "The colours of the Mediterranean". Historic centre. Until 30 September.
  • Balconies: Plaza del Mosquit, C/ Llibertat, C/ Justícia, Plaza Miguel Roselló, C/ Purísima and C/ Mayor.
  • Street decorations: C/ Ermita "Carreró de Mola", C/ La Fuente, C/ San José, C/ Pescadores, C/ Pedro García Ortiz and C/ Sant Pere.