This week the demolition works of the old building of the Gargasindi Special School, which is part of the Edificant Plan and cost €148,882, were completed. The demolition of the old building is a necessary step to carry out the extension works of the centre, which are in the tendering phase.
One year after the start of the lockdown due to the pandemic, the Ifac Photo Club and the City Council for Culture are exhibiting the photos taken during the lockdown as part of the daily photographic challenges proposed by both institutions.
Next Monday, the regulated parking service on public streets in the afternoon will start again with the new measures taken by the City Council allowing shops to be open until 8pm and hospitality businesses until 6pm.
On 8 February, the City Council and the contracted company Pavapark reached an agreement to partially suspend the regulated parking service so that it is no longer in effect from 2pm.
This change in the contract has resulted in the city council no longer receiving €881 per day, which was deducted from the company's fee while the measure was in force.
The City Council for Culture will modify the format of the 2021 edition of Art al Carrer to open it up to the participation of local associations and entities with a competition. It aims to promote local participation in an artistic activity to decorate the emblematic spaces of the old town for the enjoyment of citizens and visitors.
Although the Equality Council does intensive training and awareness-raising work throughout the year, it is in early March, with the celebration of International Women's Day, when the council intensifies its efforts with a specific programme.
Last week, work began to expand the capacity of the old municipal cemetery, creating two new blocks of niches in the lower area of the cemetery that will increase the capacity of these facilities with 64 new niches.
The works, which cost 60,938 euros, were awarded to the company Vías y Obras Aitana S.L. and have a completion time of four weeks. The project will increase the capacity of this facility and meet the needs of the population of Calp.
This week, work began on paving and lighting the D7 road, which begins at Avenida Diputación and ends at a street in the Benicolada neighbourhood. The opening of this road is crucial for the start of work on the pedestrian bridge over the N332, as it will provide access for residents of the area whose current access will disappear with the construction of the pedestrian bridge.
The City Council opens on Monday the deadline to apply for the "Paréntesis" aid of the Plan Resiste.
Calp has already approved the bases that will govern the granting of "Paréntesis" aid under the Plan Resiste promoted by the Generalitat Valenciana. The plan provides 1,545,222 euros in Calp for the self-employed and micro-enterprises affected by the Covid. To this end, the City Council is providing 231,783 euros, which is 15% of the total and complements the 62.5% provided by the Generalitat and 22.5% contributed by the Provincial Council.